Fiche cheval wonderful tiger

tim mei handicap - sec 1R5C3plathappy valley1650 M78000012 partantsDépart 11:45
Non Partants : 9
11go for teaH52p6p6p0p5ppurton z./101:40
27mister armH58p0p6p8p6pchadwick m./12 l
36flash famousH83p4p0p4p5pshinn b./13/4 l
411oriental amigoH70p8p0p9p6plai h.w./1cte tete
58one step aheadH73p5p0p3p2pmoreira j./1tete
63foxhunter wayH50p5p6p6p0pmaia r./11 l 1/4
712gorgeous inheritorH76p3p8p9p3pyeung m.l./14 l
85boys partyH56p4p9p9p4pcurrie l./11 l 1/4
910wonderful tigerH80p6p4p3ppoon m.f./11 l
102sure win winH69p(21)7p0p9pchau c.l./11 l 3/4
114nobody knowsH40p0p6p6p6pmo h.t./18 l
9noble manH72p5p2p7p9pbadel a./1

lavender handicapR6C2plathappy valley1650 M9409112 partantsDépart 11:15
13cordyceps oneH54p8p8p0pmaia r./101:43
29noble manH75p2p7p9pbadel a./11 l 1/4
32circuit eliteH46p6p0p9p0pho c.y./11/2 l
47smiling faceH51p3p9p2p2phewitson l./1cte tete
511garlic heroH69p0p0p(21)0ppoon m.f./12 l
610wonderful tigerH84p3p(21)6p5pborges v./1nez
712sea monarchH54p6p0p0plai h.w./1nez
86mister armH50p6p8p6p0pchadwick m./11 l
98this is charismaH73p(21)5p5p4ppurton z./13/4 l
101cable speedH50p0p0p(21)0pmo h.t./13 l
114strathmoretooH50p0p0p0p9pleung k.c./11/2 l
125daily beautyH72p2p3p9p7pmoreira j./13/4 l

lam tei handicapR6C4platsha tin (hong kong)1400 M9108114 partantsDépart 12:15
14brave powerH69p5p4p7p0pshinn b/101:22
27mission smartH63p3p8p0p7pmoreira j/1encolure
310this is charismaH7(21)5p5p4p5ppurton z/11/2 l
413wonderful tigerH83p(21)6p5p7pborges v/1tete
512noble manH72p7p9p(21)7ppoon m f/11 l 1/2
614sea monarchH50p0p(21)0p8plai h w/1encolure
78london luckystarH63p0p8p(21)4pteetan k/1encolure
83give way pleaseH60p8p0p8phamelin a/11 l 1/4
911garlic heroH60p0p(21)0p5pmaia r/11/2 l
109red brick gloryH45p0p9p6pferraris l/13/4 l
115travel gloryH59p5p7p0p0pchadwick m/11/2 l
121destinH90p5p2p7pleung k c/1encolure
136victory moreH55p0p0p(21)0pho c y/11/2 l
142super kinH80p3p1p(21)3pchan k h/12 l

queensway handicapR6C3plathappy valley1650 M9108112 partantsDépart 11:45
18humble steedH86p(21)9p8p4pchadwick m/101:41
211smiling faceH52p5p4p4p8pteetan k/1cte tete
312wonderful tigerH8(21)6p5p7p7pyeung m l/1cte tete
47diamond starH71p3p2p6p7pmoreira j/11/2 l
52manna from heavenH77p4p8p(21)4pbadel a/11/2 l
63mister armH58p6p0p8ppurton z/11/2 l
76zacianH69p7p0p7pho c y/13/4 l
89gorgeous inheritorH79p3p(21)4p0ppoon m f/1tete
95amazing boyH55p2p3p9phamelin a/13/4 l
104a a agilityH77p0p(21)0p0pmo h t/11 l 1/2
1110anonymaH83p0p(21)0pTpmaia r/13/4 l
121judy's starH60p0p(21)0p0pleung k c/1loin

whitfield handicapR2C1plathappy valley1650 M8547212 partantsDépart 10:45
17happy jai jaiH53p7p5p2p0pmoreira j.2.95/101:39
210centenary ibisH54p4p5p0p5ppoon m.f.3.85/1tete
34wonder winH61p7p(20)5p1pleung k.c.13/11 l
41daily beautyH65p9p0p0p9pyeung m.l.7.25/1cte tete
512smiling faceH43p8p9p8p0pborges v.20/12 l
68wonderful tigerH75p7p7p2p0phamelin a.13/11 l 3/4
76president starH68p6p2p0p3pho c.y.14/13/4 l
83nitro expressH104p6p0p6p1pferraris l.12/13/4 l
911virtus starH67p0p0p0p0pbadel a.20/13/4 l
109aerosonicH40p0p0p8p7pmo h.t.92/1nez
115smart cousinH67p0p0p6p5pchan k.h.17/1cte tete
122witty scholarH40p9p0p9p0pmaia r.77/110 l

wan chai gap handicapR2C1plathappy valley1650 M8547212 partantsDépart 10:45
11off the reelH42p6p5p8p6ppurton z.3.9/101:41
25who loves the aceH46p5p0p8p9pferraris l.33/1cte tete
37amazing boyH49p9p0p7p0pbentley h.26/13/4 l
411centenary ibisH55p0p5p7p9pteetan k.3.25/1encolure
510wonderful tigerH77p7p2p0p8phamelin a.18/11 l 1/4
612shanghai graceH50p3p9p0p8pho c.y.4.75/11/2 l
73muditaH55p0p5p0p8pshinn b.28/11 l 1/2
84president starH66p2p0p3p4pmoreira j.5.55/11 l 1/4
92pearl championH79p8p9p9p3pchan k.h.23/1nez
108har har heartH80p9p(20)0p0pchau c.l.66/1cte tete
116super flamesH40p0p0p0p0pmo h.t.166/12 l 1/2
129virtus starH60p0p0p8p0pbadel a.25/1cte tete

price handicapR6C3plathappy valley1650 M8419312 partantsDépart 12:15
11all joyfulH54p5p8p8pchadwick m./101:38
24president starH60p3p4p1p1pmoreira j./11 l 1/4
38super kinH70p4p3p8pshinn b./1encolure
43ka fortuneH51p3p6p5p7ppurton z./1tete
510centenary ibisH50p5p7p9pteetan k./13/4 l
62off the reelH45p8p6p0p7pho c.y./13/4 l
79wonderful tigerH77p2p0p8phamelin a./11 l 1/4
87anonymaH73p8p0p0p0pferraris l./11/2 l
912shanghai graceH50p8p0p8p7pbentley h./1cte tete
106victorious leaderH71p3p0p9p3pleung k.c./13/4 l
1111big bang bongH85p8p6p3p5ppoon m.f./11 l
125run run goodH59p8p0p0p0pbadel a./14 l